Lower Speeds, Safer Rural Roads
From 7th February the default speed limits on local rural roads will be reduced from 80 to 60 km/h. We look forward to seeing these roads become safer for all road users, but especially for cyclists and pedestrians.
We would ask all Love 30 supporters to monitor the implementation of signage on your local rural roads. We strongly recommend the installation of clear 60kph (RUS 042) speed limit signs - and not the ambiguous RUS 041A Rural Speed Limit signs, which are likely to encourage greater speeds, as they are associated with the previous 80kph rural road speed limits.
Get on to your local Council if the RUS 041A signs are installed, and seek their replacement with the RUS 042 signs as soon as possible!
Further changes to implement the Road Traffic Act 2024, due later this year, will see a default urban speed limit of 30km/h and a reduction in the limit on national secondary roads from 100 to 80 km/h. Love 30 and the Irish Cycling Campaign have been campaigning for these reductions for a number of years. We will be asking the incoming Minister for Transport, Darragh O’Brien and Minister of State, Seán Canney to set early dates for the coming into force of the 30 km/h and 80 km/h limits.
See Government Press Release.