Fingal Traffic Calming Submission

Love 30 has made a submission to Fingal County Council in response to its Traffic Calming Scheme Public Consultation

Love 30 has supported Fingal County Council’s proposals to introduce 30 km/h speed limits on residential roads in the County and supported the recent School Streets Initiative in Malahide.

Love 30 welcomes Fingal County Council’s proposed traffic-calming measures. We believe that these measures will help to reinforce the stated speed limits and will encourage drivers to slow down, thus making the roads in question safer and more comfortable for all road users.

We note the proposal to use speed ramps in a number of the locations e.g. Brackenstown Road, Glenville Road and would suggest that additional engineering methods, such as plants, trees, chicanes, etc. could be used to supplement the speed ramps in encouraging drivers to slow down. These measures can create a perception of a narrower road, or suggest a more people-friendly environment, which can encourage drivers to slow down of their own accord, rather than feeling that the lower speed is being forced on them by the ramps.

Love 30 commends Fingal County Council on its efforts to make the roads in the County safer for all road users.